300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser
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- Jan 15,2020
300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser

essential oil diffusers come in all shapesand sizes, but beyond aesthetics, it’s important to consider how long a modelcan run for, how hard it is to clean, and how much it costs. The 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser isundeniably attractive and works for six to ten hours, but are its extra bellsand whistles—controllable LED lights and customizable run times— worth theextra cost? We purchased one to find out. Read on for our verdict.
Design: Sleek, but make sure you don’t bumpit
The first thing you’ll notice about the 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser is itsdistinct silhouette—something we liken to an onion or head of garlic. Thediffuser comes in three different shades of faux wood: light brown, dark brown,and redwood brown. But in actuality, the unit is constructed from plastic witha seemingly scratch-proof laminate exterior. In terms of size, the diffuser’s6.7 x 6.7 x 6-inch build takes up a decent amount of tabletop real estate. Butdespite its footprint, it does look attractive in most household and officesettings.
Our one major design critique is that theouter cover—which you have to lift to add water and essential oil—just rests ontop of the diffuser base. If you accidentally bump into the table it’s on (likewe did), the cover easily slips off and water spills out. The pro side of this isthat the easy-to-remove outer cover makes refilling and cleaning the inside ofthe diffuser a breeze. Another positive: The included AC adapter is six feetlong, so you have some wiggle room in regard to it reaching an outlet.
Operation: Easy—and customizable settingsare a win
Using the 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser is verysimple. Pressing the mist button activates the diffuser. It has four timedsettings: one hour, three hours, six hours, and continuous mode. We tested thediffuser on continuous mode to see when it would power off, and found it didonly once the water tank was empty. When you press the button to set yourruntime, it beeps and the chosen setting lights up.
The diffuser’s water tank can hold up to300 ml of water—a much larger capacity than many of its competitors.
The diffuser’s water tank can hold up to300 ml of water—a much larger capacity than many of its competitors. Theinstructions don’t recommend an exact amount of essential oil to add, but wetested it using three drops per 100 ml of water, which seems to be the standardfor similarly sized products. The diffuser comes with a custom plasticmeasuring cup, which makes filling the water tank easy, but you can use yourown if you prefer.
When it comes to mist, you can choosebetween two settings: standard and strong. Running the diffuser on strong depletesthe water tank at a quicker pace. The diffuser releases mist from the top, andwe found it took a while for it to discernibly scent a room. The 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser has acoverage range between 80 to 100 square feet. So if you’re using it in a largeroom, it’ll work best on the strong setting. The diffuser is generally quietwhile misting. That said, it is significantly louder when using the strong mistsetting; we found it sounds similar to a laptop’s cooling fan.
The diffuser is generally quiet whilemisting. That said, it is significantly louder when using the strong mistsetting; we found it sounds similar to a laptop’s cooling fan.
Like other diffusers, the 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuserincorporates LED lighting. However, it functions in a different way. Instead ofthe whole device lighting up, colored light is only seen from a thin bandaround the center of the diffuser and through the mist opening at the top.Though it’s not as colorful as other diffusers, we quite enjoyed the subtlety.You can choose from seven different static color options, or you can have itcycle between colors automatically. None of the other diffusers we tested gaveus this much light control.
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Price: It’s up there, but likely worth it
The 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser isroughly $10 to $20 more expensive than your average diffuser. But that said,it’s one of the most well-designed ones we’ve seen, it gives you more controlover runtime and LED lighting, and it has a large water reservoir that doesn’thave to be refilled as often as others. If you’re concerned with design andfind many diffusers to be eyesores, then we think it’s well worth theinvestment.
If you accidentally bump into the tableit’s on (like we did), the cover easily slips off and water spills out.
Competition: Different price points
URPOWER Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser/AirHumidifier: ’s closest competitor is the URPOWER 300ml Essential Oil Diffuser.Both diffusers feature a 300ml water tank, but the URPOWER unit can cover alarger space, with 215 square feet of mist output as opposed to ’s 100 squarefeet. Additionally, the URPOWER model costs a bit less. That said, the diffuser does outshine its competitor in termsof features and design. So if you’re concerned with looks and want to controlthe strength of the mist and manage the LED lights, we’d still recommend it.
Take a peek at some of the best whole-homehumidifiers you can buy.
InnoGear Aromatherapy Diffuser: InnoGear’sAromatherapy Diffuser is roughly half the price of the 300ml Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser—but youcan tell. The latter is far easier to open and refill, has a more modernaesthetic, and holds three times the water. If you’re just foraying intodiffusers and want a budget option you can certainly give the InnoGear a go,but if you already know you love them and want something that can take onlarger rooms, the is the optimal choice.
Want to take a look at some other options?See our guide to the best oil diffusers.
Final Verdict
The ease of operation and level offunctionality are worth it.
A lot of thought and effort was put intothis diffuser’s design, from the faux-wood pattern to its unique shape; it’s anattractive product that can fit in at any modern home or office. Beyond design,there are also numerous useful features, from control over your misting settingand LED lights to a 300ml water reservoir that translates to longer runtime.